Thursday, December 29, 2011

Panama : Bridge between cultures

The link between Central and South America, Panama has a beautiful cultural diversity, an enviable ecological wealth and a thriving tourist business, and offers the visitor everything that it may interest you. And that is beyond its famous canal, this nation due to its geographical and strategic position was the object of desire of great powers like Spain and the United States and, with attractions for all tastes: islands, coasts and beaches, mountains jungle, cosmopolitan capital, culture, tax-free, Canal Zone … you choose!.

Islands, coasts and beaches:

Only 80 miles separate the Atlantic from the Pacific in Panama. Among the recommended destinations for lovers of the sea, stands the Pearl Islands of Panama in the province, also known for its famous Contadora Island, a quiet corner from which they have enjoyed since the conquistadors and buccaneers of the colonial era to statesmen, businessmen and tourists present.

Also it is necessary to know the province of Bocas del Toro. Unexploited and unpolluted nature are its hallmarks. Diving, snorkeling, jet skiing, boating, flora and fauna are among the activities available.

the Atlantic from the Pacific in Panama
Photography by Wha’ppen

Tropical exuberance:

Panama has more species of birds, mammals, reptiles and plants across North America. To enjoy this lush flora and fauna available in the capital city, the Metropolitan Nature Park, the only protected area in Central America that is within the boundaries of a metropolitan city. The existence in the extensive wooded areas, ensure the operation of the Canal Basin, which requires large amounts of water for operation.

Melting pot, a legacy of Spanish colonization and those who have arrived to build the Canal. In this country remain indigenous, semi-autonomous territories settled. The most representative be found in the provinces of Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro, Veraguas, Darien and Kuna Yala.

A variety of options: the Old Panama City and Panama colonial

In our tour of the city abound travel agencies organize tours of the modern city (especially the new coastal belt) the ruins of old Panama City and Panama colonial, known as Casco Viejo.

Consider the following points to know:

- The Panama Canal Museum, invites us on a journey through history to learn the details of this engineering feat.

- My town, an exact replica of a small town in the interior of the early twentieth century. It also has replicas of the typical villages of the other two major ethnic Panama: West Indian and indigenous people.

- Travel by train to Columbus, a province where the Colon Free Zone, the duty free zone America’s largest and second after Hong Kong.

- Walk along the Causeway, entertainment area with shops and restaurants where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the capital city and sports.


Getting there: Direct flights from Madrid
Climate: tropical 100%.
Currency: U.S. dollar.

Travel to Panama: a bridge between cultures
Photography by Osbornb
Enjoy your trip to Panama!

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