Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guatemala: A lot to discover

Now in the section on Monday: countries, speaking of the traditional Republic of Guatemala, known worldwide simply as “Guatemala”, many know of it through news, music, Ricardo Arjona, the writer Miguel Angel Asturias, Nobel Laureate literature to the Peace Prize, Rigoberta Menchú, the guerrillas, well, many might be the cultural topics of this country.

But today encompass all the information to give each one of the readers an overview of this Republic. And especially with the intention to enlarge the possibilities to travel and see some traditional tourist stops, as long as we think about travel and vacation, that comes to mind: Europe, well this will open our vistas and discover that in America there are still things to go and learn.

LAGO DE ATITLAN por 'cisco'.

Guatemala’s name comes from the Nahuatl “Quauhtlemallan” by the abundance of trees, that’s what it really means. Two thirds of this country are abundant mountains, through the Sierra Madre mountains and ridges. Its climate is mild and makes visitors choose good dates to visit him, although well known to all, Guatemala’s cultural contribution and joy in all seasons, in their towns and cities. Guatemala is the Latin countries that receive more tourists a year, has been building since the percentage of visitors in learning about their traditions and culture, and people who like to enjoy their places, tours and ecotourism, with the host country a little more than a million visitors annually. Above and point of attraction, its archaeological reserves that have left and are rooted in what was the Mayan culture, like Mexico and this country one of the places where you can find traces of that culture.

There are traces of classic pre huge metropolis such as San Bartolo, Nakbe, Tikal, Aguateca, among many others. Their culture is very similar to that of Mexico, as in past ages was annexed to the government of Mexico to become a Republic itself, and building traditional conservative culture of their own. Notable in this country, its museum of Archeology and Ethnology, as it is throughout Latin America that are kept very valuable pieces of Mayan culture. And the Ixchel Museum, which exhibits a variety of popular and classical tissues, without fail, the Popol Vuh. Both are concerned about cultural recovery that each of its municipalities has a small museum.

So you can put on your agenda, a strenuous visit, giving you time to enjoy to the delight, all the magic of Guatemala. And if you’re looking for the adrenaline and activity, nothing like mountain biking, as there are dynamics that tourists make their journeys by bike, in fact, there are companies that engage in this, with their respective days, Venture!.

Visitors can explore caves, like entering another world or in the fantastic voyages of Jules Verne.
Here is our recommendation to go into Guatemala, then your only left to enjoy.

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