Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Low costs at Santiago de Chile


When we think of living in Chile or taking a trip to Chile, we normally think of it as pricey, at least when compared with the reality of other countries in its same continent. A recent study on prices and salaries, nevertheless, positioned the Chilean capital of Santiago de Chile as the third most convenient city in the region, falling right behind Lima and Buenos Aires.


The Prices and Salaries study was conducted by the Swiss bank of investment UBS. Santiago was deemed the third cheapest metropolis in all of South America.

The capital of Chile was ranked number 59 among the 73 urban centers considered by the study. It fell well ahead of Sao Paulo (19º), Rio de Janeiro (26º), Caracas (47º) and Bogotá (57º). Santiago was overcome only by Lima (65º) and Buenos Aires (68º).

The study gave Mexico City the 64º position on the list. For all these results, they used the same regular measures since 2006: accumulated inflation, exchange rate variations and product growth.
Another UBS study also considered Oslo, Zurich and Geneva as the most expensive metropolis. These results were based on the cost of a basic goods and services basket, containing 122 items responding to the customs of the consumers in Western Europe.

That same index included other great capitals and urban concentrations like Tokyo (6º) Sydney (7º), Toronto (9º), Paris (12º), New York (14º), London (15º), Rome (23º), Barcelona (25º), Madrid (30º), Berlin (33º), Milan (34º) and Miami (41º).

In the ranking according to salaries, Santiago got the 56º position, which was the fourth best level in all of Latin America – coming after the two greatest Brazilian megalopolis and the Colombian capital. In consuming power, Santiago also ranked number 56º, leaving behind Caracas (62º) and Mexico City (70º).
If you are thinking of living in Santiago de Chile, this might be your time. Santiago is doing well, and UBS’s rankings reflect this great reality.

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